Press Releases
November 15, 2023
PRESS RELEASE Contact: Jamie Rankin
406-582-8068 |
After a five-year hiatus, Montana Fly Fishing Magazine is back. Reincarnated by the producers of Outside Bozeman and the Cast Fishing Guide, this statewide publication showcases the best of Montana fly fishing, including its prairie reservoirs, riffled streams of the southwest, roaring glacial rivers of the northwest, and everything in between.
Whether you’re planning a weekend trip to a different county, a week-long trip across the country, or just feasting your eyes on Montana’s famous fish while waiting out the winter, you’re sure to find inspiration and direction in these pages. From wintertime nymphing to streamer-fishing for bass and pike in the eastern plains—and of course, seducing trophy trout in the fall—MFFM covers the whole gamut of late-season fishing in Montana. So flip through the digital issue, dive in, and we’ll see you out on the water.
Additional Montana Fly Fishing Magazine features:
- Beautiful photography
- Exquisite artwork
- Invaluable tips & tricks
- Statewide river map
- Interesting people & important organizations
- Area business recommendations
- Gear & apparel reviews
- Fishing facts & figures
Additional photos available upon request.
About Montana Fly Fishing Magazine: Montana Fly Fishing Magazine is a production of Outside Media Group, publishers of Outside Bozeman magazine. It can be found online at More content can be found on the Facebook page ( and Instagram page (
March 4, 2018

It’s Free!
Montana Fly Fishing Magazine announces their latest issue for Spring, 2018. Weighing in at 106 digital pages, this edition is packed with great fly-fishing photos and writing.
We have tactics for chasing fall browns, an investigative piece on the Yellowstone River, an interview with a wooden drift boat-maker, plus an artist profile, as well as a primer on fly-tying feathers. There’s even a great piece on Alaskan sockeye salmon, with some amazing shots, thrown in for good measure.
Included within the issue are dozens of awesome photos from talented Montana shooters too!
Don’t forget to tell your friends about us that we’re Absolutely Free!
See you on the water soon!
The team at Montana Fly Fishing Magazine

This Spring 2017 issue marks our 22nd issue. While we’ve redesigned the magazine cover-to-cover, it remains independently produced and edited by its original creator. If you’ve viewed Montana Fly Fishing Magazine in the past you’ll recognize some familiar names for contributors, plus we’ve add many more.
We have collected some awesome new content for you to enjoy. As always, the magazine remains 100% FREE to view and subscribe.
Inside we feature beautiful photo essays from several talented photographers, fun artist interviews, plus entertaining articles on spring creeks and the Gallatin River. We even venture out of the state in this issue for a wonderful piece on the Olympic Peninsula.
We hope you enjoy viewing this new edition as much as we enjoyed putting it together for you.
In this issue:
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July 23, 2015
Bozeman, MT
Montana Fly Fishing Magazine announces their latest issue, Summer 2015

Cover art: “Yellowstone Cutty” by A.D. Maddox
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In this issue:
Montana Fly Fishing Magazine
Press Releases
April 15, 2015
Bozeman, MT

Montana Fly Fishing Magazine ( announces their latest issue: Spring 2015.
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In this issue:
Our Publications are Moving.
After hosting our magazine on ISSUU for over three years, I have decided to move all our publications to Yumpu. This move will be complete by March 15.
Why move?
This move was prompted by a notice from ISSUU that they would be increasing my yearly hosting costs by 50%, effective next month. While larger publications might easily absorb this cost, I see it as money that could better be used elsewhere and as a cue to move on. After considerable research into an alternative, I am convinced that Yumpu is better.
What does this mean for you?
If you’re a regular visitor, not much. You’ll still be able to find all our publications here on our website without having to go somewhere else. The viewer that contains our publications will change –slightly– but hopefully for the better.
The Yumpu viewer is surprisingly similar to the ISSUU viewer, or at least more to what the ISSUU viewer was before they added all the annoying blue dots to all of our publications. The Yumpu service also allows for greater flexibility in the magazine layout. Among other things, it allows for videos and slideshows to be embedded directly in the magazine, something I’ve wanted to do since we began back in 2012 but couldn’t do with ISSUU. The Yumpu embed utility also allows our covers to be displayed without the unsightly “Read Now” text blocking the imagery. The cover image shown will be an actual image, so those looking to share our covers can do so more easily, without having to visit this page beforehand.
If you are a member of ISSUU and follow us there, links to our publications will no longer work after March 15. This will affect all links to all of our publications publications and stacks that contain these links.

Cover Image: Tom Olivo
Montana Fly Fishing Magazine ( announces their latest issue: Winter 2015.
In this issue:
October 15, 2014
Bozeman, MT

Cover Image: Jake Parson
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Montana Fly Fishing Magazine ( announces their latest issue: Fall 2014.
In this issue:
July 16, 2014
Bozeman, MT

Cover Image: Michael Chilcoat
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Montana Fly Fishing Magazine ( announces their latest issue: Summer 2014. This volume contains 90 pages of colorful photos and videos, personal stories, helpful advice, fly-tying techniques, homegrown videos and poetry.
In this issue:
“Sunup to Sundown” photography by Toby Swank
“How to Get a Kid Hooked on Fly Fishing” by Robert Prince
“Chuck’s Fly Tying Bench” by Chuck Stranahan
“Salmon Bugs” by Western Fly Media
“The 20/20 Club” by Charles Cantella
“YouthFish” by Joe Cummings
“Chasing Summer” photography by Pat Clayton
“Hotspotting on the Yellowstone” by Greg Lewis
“Brown Trout in Bear Trap” by Jesse Bussard, illustrated by Ben Whitehead
April 23, 2014
Bozeman, MT

Cover Image: Alec Underwood
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Montana Fly Fishing Magazine ( announces their latest issue for Spring, 2014. This volume is packed with over 100 pages of quality fly-fishing photos and writing.
We have photo essays, personal stories, a documentary piece on steelhead, advice on dry-fly and Tenkara techniques, and a bit of fly-fishing poetry to boot. Be sure to check out this month’s issue, as there’s sure to be something for everybody.
February 17, 2014
Bozeman, MT

Cover Image: Robert Prince
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Montana Fly Fishing Magazine ( announces the launch of their latest issue: February – March, 2014. From the Bitterroot to the Missouri, nymphing to fly tying, this issue has over 120 pages of exceptional writing and photography.
We have photo essays from Austin Trayser, Stefan McLeod, and Corey Kruitbosch. Matt Guymon shares some fly-fishing poetry. Robert Prince offers some practical advice on nymphing, plus we cover some fly tying, visit a distillery, and learn a little about Bozeman Reel.
December 17, 2013
Bozeman, MT

Cover Image: Bill McDavid
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Montana Fly Fishing Magazine ( announces the launch of their latest issue: Winter, 2013. With over 130 pages of high-quality photgraphs, artwork, videos, and information, this issue has everything you need to beat the winter blues.
Happy Holidays, Everyone!
We’ll see you next year!
October 23, 2013
Bozeman, MT

Cover Image: Alec Underwood
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Montana Fly Fishing Magazine ( announces the launch of their latest issue: Fall, 2013. This issue offers 120 pages of fly fishing stories, photos, and how-to. Features include photos from Matt Guymon and “The Fish Eye Guy,” Pat Clayton, along with the artwork of Zach Babat, plus a whole lot more.
August 15, 2013
Bozeman, MT

Cover Image: Hale Harris
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Montana Fly Fishing Magazine ( announces the launch of their latest issue for August – September 2013. Coming in at over 110 pages, this issue should give you plenty of reasons to grab a cool drink and get out of the heat.
June 15, 2013
Bozeman, MT

Cover Image: Alec Underwood
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Montana Fly Fishing Magazine ( announces the launch of their latest issue for June 2013. This issue contains articles on Bighorn River Baetis, floating the Smith River, tactics for northern pike, fly-tying how-to’s and some spectacular photography from our many talented
April 15, 2013
Bozeman, MT

Cover Image: Tom Olivo
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Montana Fly Fishing Magazine ( announces the launch of their latest issue for April – May 2013. This issue has over 120 pages full of unique photos, fly patterns, tactics, and river knowledge from professionals who live and work throughout the state.
We would also like to announce that Austin Trayser, of Trayser Media Group, has joined our editorial staff. Austin brings several years of fly fishing photojournalism experience to the table, and we are excited to have him on board.
February 15, 2013
Bozeman, MT

Cover Image: Bill McDavid
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Montana Fly Fishing Magazine ( announces the launch of their latest issue for February – March 2013. At over 130 pages, this issue brings forth plenty of Montana color and atmosphere to get you through the next couple of cold months. With segments covering the state, from the Flathead to the Bighorn, there’s plenty to flip through until Spring arrives.
Bozeman, MT

Cover Image: Ehren Wells
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Montana Fly Fishing Magazine ( would like to announce their latest publication for Winter 2012. This issue contains over 140 pages of content. Topics range from a river profile on the Lower Madison, tying flies using upland game bird feathers, an interview with fly fishing artist Brian Murphy. Three full-spread photo essays cover Montana’s scenery, trout, and other river life.
October 18, 2012
For Immediate Release:

Cover Image: Eric Berkner
Montana Fly Fishing Magazine ( would like to announce their latest publication for October-November, 2012. Offering over 150 pages of content, they believe this to be their most colorful and most engaging issue yet. Topics range from an interview with a brown trout, to tying and fishing streamers with a two-handed rod, to an essay on fishing the south fork of the Flathead River. Three full-spread photo essays covering Montana’s fall scenery and trout fishing are also included.
About Montana Fly Fishing Magazine:
Montana Fly Fishing Magazine is a bi-monthly e-zine that appears on the 15th day of every even month. It is the first online magazine devoted exclusively to fly fishing in Montana. Each issue covers a range of topics, including fly-tying demonstrations; fish species and location profiles; interviews with fly tyers, artists, and industry professionals from throughout the state; photo essays, and humorous articles. Those who subscribe to this free online magazine are automatically entered into drawings for fly fishing-related prizes.
Montana Fly Fishing Magazine is a collaborative effort of Three Forks Publishing and Blackmore Media of Bozeman, Montana.