Type Cast

by Brian Cey
In a world where fly fishing has become a lifestyle rather than a way to catch a few fish, it is increasingly difficult to cast without casting judgment.
Long before A River Runs Through It ran through … Read more...
by Brian Cey
In a world where fly fishing has become a lifestyle rather than a way to catch a few fish, it is increasingly difficult to cast without casting judgment.
Long before A River Runs Through It ran through … Read more...
by Mick Frost
The sun is high overhead as I step out of the trees. I drop my pack, flop down on the grass, and watch the wind send long ripples across the lake as Bear, my furry, four-legged companion, … Read more...
by Katie Thomas
Renowned Montana writer Thomas McGuane once wrote, “If the trout are lost, smash the state.” He’s been fishing for almost 80 years, just about as long as he’s been writing, and the two activities define him equally. … Read more...
In search of Montana’s biggest, baddest trout.
By Pat Straub
If the residents of Mount Olympus were anglers, bull trout would be a favorite quarry. So too with the Greek heroes—imagine Odysseus and his crew kicking dirt and drinking beer … Read more...
by Drew Daniels
As water temps rise in the spring, bug activity increases, and trout take note. Throughout the spring, summer, and fall we get tons of different mayfly hatches, ranging from as big as a size 10 all the … Read more...
by Jeff Beyl
My father drew a picture and mailed it to me a couple weeks prior to one of our frequent fly-fishing trips to Montana. A couple days later I got an email:
“I understand you are going fly …
by Jamie Rankin
Montana’s meandering, scenic rivers are known around the globe for their access to wild trout. Fly-fishers come from far and wide to chase browns, rainbows, and even the elusive cutthroat, all of which are born, and grow … Read more...
by Eli Fournier
What’s the best way to visualize the number one million? Abstractly, it’s about the population of Montana. In more relative terms, it’s the maximum capacity of 13 NFL stadiums put together, or approximately 40 Montana Griz stadiums … Read more...
by Peter Moreno
The crystal-clear alpine lake boiled with rings as the sun set; hungry trout feasted on surface bugs after their long winter dormancy. My first backcast caught on the small spruce behind me. It took me 30 minutes … Read more...
by Kurt Dehmer, artwork by Monte Dolack
Angling art is a niche genre. Those folks who enjoy, purchase, or collect it are most likely anglers, or at least fish enthusiasts. However, there is one “angling artist” that everyone in Montana … Read more...